Honda CD90 & Benly 90 1 items
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Honda CD90
The Honda CD90 is a true classic. Producing in excess of 7.5ps and weighing only 80kg, no other motorbike of similar size could match its combination of economy and 60mph performance.
Back to 1980: the Honda CD90 hit the market
The Honda CD90 entered the market at the same time as the CD50, but used the S90’s engine. In 1980, the CD90 got a newly designed type of engine block with 4-plate clutch on the gearbox input shaft. This HA03 type engine block used the same crankshaft, cylinder and cylinder head as the simultaneously introduces HA02 C90 and is very popular among tuners.
Exotic camshaft package for its time
That with an – for its time – exotic camshaft package, convinced many people who doubted. Although the engine was no real improvement, the ‘racing engine’ specification was reason enough to justify its presence commercially.
And indeed! The Honda CD90 and CD50 were revolutionary in their day. The small European models, mostly first-generation two-strokes, were almost completely outclassed and swept away by these stylish, well-made Honda’s.
A classic with a special block
The Honda CD90 is a true classic with a special block. The clutch on the gearbox makes this block different from that of the Honda CD50. For example, it allows you to shift smoothly and is ready for more ccs.
Features of the Honda CD90
- Recognizable by the rather large side covers
- Engine is fitted with electronic ignition
- Four-speed manual clutch on the gearbox
- Never officially delivered in the Netherlands
- Always imported from Japan
Honda CD90 at Fourstrokebarn
Turning your passion and hobby into a business, it’s a boyhood dream that has truly come true. Although it is still a hobby – which had secretly gotten a bit out of hand.
The best part of this dream is that we can share it with other Honda four-stroke enthusiasts, including you! We like to do this in our (somewhat large) ‘barn’ in Utrecht.
Our doors will be wide open for you and all your passionate stories on Saturdays from 10:00 to 16:00 o’clock. The rest of the week you are more than welcome by appointment.
Share your passion with a cup of coffee and a sandwich
Will you stop by to admire that beautiful Honda CD90 you have your eye on? Or to look at all the other beauty we have here? Then the coffee is already waiting for you. And do you visit around lunchtime? Then join us for lunch. Eating together is part of it.
So, pay us a visit to show off your latest acquisition, enjoy all the beaty or share your latest moped story! We look forward to seeing you in our (now no longer a real barn) barn.
Can’t wait until Saturday and are you looking for more information about your favorite model – for example the Honda CD90? Then don’t hesitate to contact us at or call/WhatsApp to +31 6 43 09 79 45.